Back to School

Sorry for the lack of posts.  School is back in session.

Both William and I are in our last semesters right now and we are both a little swamped as the semester begins.  On a positive note, by the end of May we will be done!  Yeah!!!!  Then a whole new whirlwind begins as we figure out where we will be.  It is really difficult to not know where you will be living and what you will be doing in 5 month.  We may leave Louisiana , we may not, the world is our oyster.  Of course I would love to be back in my beloved NC, but we have to go where the jobs are.

We have been cooking here at the Coppage house and I promise to get some new posts up over the weekend.  

2 Response to "Back to School"

  1. Sara Kowalewski Says:

    what are you two studying, Missy? I just finished nursing school and am studying for state boards...went all in a few years ago for the career change! It was stressful financially but well worth it in the end. Hang in there!

  2. Missy Coppage Says:

    Well, William is getting an MA in English and an MFA in poetry. I am getting a Bachelor of General Studies in Arts and Humanities. I don't know what I am going to do with mine yet, but after school we are hoping I won't have to work for a little while so we can start a family and I can be at home with them for the first couple of years. Then I want to try to get a Masters in Nutrition, but I know I will have to take another year of undergrad type classes to be eligible. I change my mind too much about what I want to be when I "grow up"

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