Vegan on Vacation in Wilmington, NC

My husband and I just got back from our last trip home for the summer.  It was a quick 5 day adventure to where we met in Wilmington, NC.  We spent time with our friends and went to the beach to frolic in the sand and surf.  We also spent lots of time eating.  Here in Lake Charles, LA there is not really any restaurants where I can go eat as a Vegan, but back home in Wilmington, they are everywhere.  We didn't even have time to get to them all, but we did visit a few of our favorites.

Top of my list is 
Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn 
at 4002 Oleander Drive.  

I have to say I am a little biased having worked there for 5 years, but even after all of that time, this is always my first stop in Wilmington.  The rice and beans are vegan at Flaming Amy's and they have grilled Tofu, grilled Jerk Tofu, and Portabello Mushrooms offered for your "grilled fillins".  There is a wide variety of Burritos that can be Vegan simply by removing cheese and/or sour cream.  They also have hummus which can be substituted inside a quesadilla.  Their guacamole is also vegan.  Visit their website to view more pics and the menu

Next on my list is 
Nikki's Fresh Gourmet and Sushi Bar.  

Nikki's has grown over the years and has several locations.  My two favorites are the original downtown location at 16 S. Front Street, or the Independence mall location.  If you are a vegetarian or vegan, they have a fabulous menu with tofu burgers, grilled tofu sandwiches, tempeh rubens, tempeh phillys, and great veggie sushi.  They do not at this point offer up a vegan mayo or vegan dressing for the ruben, so since I became vegan, unless I bring my own, I usually opt for the sushi or one of the Mediterranean options.  Here is a link to  Nikki's Downtown Menu

Another of our favorites is also a part of the Flaming Amy's family
Flaming Amy's Bowl
4418 Shipyard Blvd.
Long Leaf Mall
Wilmington, NC

This place is very vegan friendly.  They are a mongolian style grill where you take a bowl up and choose exactly what you want in your bowl.  You then choose from white or brown noodles, or white or brown rice.  You then choose your sauce.  I am a fan of the thai peanut sauce with brown rice.  If you tell the cook you are a vegetarian or vegan they will clean the grill extra well and get clean new spatulas from the kitchen to make sure there is no cross contamination. 

Another place we found ourselves enjoying is 
Trolley Stop Hot Dogs

Right now you are thinking hot dogs, what???  But Trolley Stop carries LightLife brand Smart Dogs which are vegan.  I have to admit I cheated a little and did not ask if the bread was vegan, I kind of assume it is not, but I wanted one so bad I did not inquire.  Ignorance is bliss!!!!
Trolley Stop offers a variety of toppings.  If you are simply a vegetarian, there a many options for you.  William went with the nuclear dog topped with cheddar cheese, jalapenos, and mustard.  I opted for mustard and onions.  At least I knew my toppings were vegan.  Trolley stop has several locations.  We went to the on at Carolina Beach.  More info and locations for Trolley Stop Hot Dogs.

This is just a small list of places Wilmington has to offer.  It is a very progressive town swarming with art and culture.  If you don't see a vegan option on a menu (which is unlikely for most places), I guarantee they can work one out for you.  

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