Bill Clinton: Fan of Caldwell Esselstyn Jr MD

Bored on Sunday

Yesterday I was so bored!!!!! 

William commandeered the television to watch football and I didn't have any money to go do anything.  So I started cooking.  I woke up and decided first think to make my favorite Whole Wheat Vegan Waffles.  

After that I paced around for a while cleaning up around the house and decided it was time to use those vegan chocolate chips I bought 2 months ago.  So I broke out my copy of Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar and made a go at their recipe.  I have to say they were delicious.

More time passed and I still felt restless so I went back to the kitchen and simultaneously made a batch of Seitan and a batch of my Whole Wheat Tortillas.

For dinner I sliced and pan fried the seitan I made earlier in the day.  I also decided to try and make a new recipe for mac and cheese I found in the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook.  It was good, but I don't think it was as good as my recipe for Mac-N-Cheese.

So, I cured my day of boredom by cooking all day.  My husband was a very happy, well-fed man!

Vegan Doggie Cake

This week we celebrated Townes's 1st birthday.  I made a Vegan Doggie Birthday Cake.  It was delicious and the dogs loved it!

Vegan Tom Kha Soup

As we made our way from Louisiana to North Carolina we stayed a night in Savannah, GA.  We were starving and wandered around downtown until we found a restaurant called Saigon located at 4 W Broughton Street.  They were extremely Vegan Friendly and would make almost anything on the menu Vegan if you wanted it including the soups.  William ordered the Tom Ka Soup and it was absolutely delicious.  I had the Bun Ca Ri which was a curried noodle salad bowl.  Mine was good, but I have to admit I liked his better and decided I had to learn how to make it.

Carolina Beach, NC

So sorry for the lack of posts.  As I mentioned before William and I have moved back to NC.  We just got our internet connected today so I should be able to resume posting shortly.  We love our new house and are very excited about our new town.  I started my new job this week coaching at Carolina Gymnastics Academy and William starts his new job next week teaching at Cape Fear Community College.  There are lots of really good places to eat here and I will share them all with you very soon.  Again sorry for the lack of posts and I hope to speak with you all again soon.

(This is me and my friend Jodi outside the new house)

Updated Move

So things have changed a little since my last post.  We now have a house lined up.  We will be living on Carolina Beach about 4 blocks from the ocean.  William got hired teaching developmental English at Cape Fear Community College.  I still don't have a job, but I sent my resume off to all 3 gymnastics clubs in Wilmington and I hope to hear something from one of them.  That is what I really want to continue doing for work, but if all else fails, I will wait tables if I have to.

Time for Change

Hi everyone, sorry for the lag in posts, but it has been a pretty busy time for us.
William and I both graduated from McNeese State University last month which is what we came to Lake Charles to do.

William has earned a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry and a Master of Arts in English.  
Missy has earned a Bachelor of General Studies in Arts and Humanities.  

Now we have to figure out the next phase of our lives.  We have both been actively applying for jobs and neither of us has one yet. William had a couple of very close possibilities, including being flown out to South Carolina for an interview.  Since time is running out and we do not have anything established yet we have decided to move back to North Carolina.  Since we know lots of people back in Wilmington, we know we can find some form of a job there as we continue to search for those career type jobs.  

We will keep this blog running possibly in a different format, changing the name, etc.,  Not sure of what exactly will happen there.  We absolutely plan to keep the website running so please follow us there!

Eggless Egg Salad

For the past few weeks I have been working out really hard. I started doing P90X which is a real butt kicker. That combined with the fact that the temperature outside is already in the high 90's is changing my eating habits a little. So for lunch today after my workout I wanted something light, but satisfying. I have seen lots of recipes for eggless egg salad in the past, so I decided to take my favorite aspects from a couple of them and combine that with the ingredients I have on hand. Here you have my version of:

Eggless Egg Salad


12 Ounces Extra Firm Tofu
1 tbsp Bragg’s Liquid Amino
1 Celery Stalk, diced
1¼ Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1½ Tbsp Dijon Mustard
2 tbsp Sweet Relish
½ tsp Turmeric
¼ tsp Curry powder
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
¼ tsp Black Pepper
3 Tbsp Veganaise


*Press all of the water out of the tofu. If you have a Tofu Press, now is a good time to use it. You do not want watery eggless salad so make sure it is well pressed.

*Combine all ingredients except for tofu in a small bowl.

* Crumble tofu in using your hands or a fork.

*Allow mixture to sit for about 10 minutes or so. This allows the flavors to sink into the tofu.

*Taste, adjust spices as necessary and enjoy.

12 Seemingly Vegan and Vegetarian Foods that are NOT

This is a page I found recently containing food additives in some of your favorite junk foods that are animal derived.  There were a couple that I was unaware of, but for the most part, we don't eat any of those foods anyways.  The one that did bother me the most was about Guiness, since that is one of William's favorite beers.  According to the inquires done at, only the Guiness Extra Stout is Vegan in North America.

Vegan Porcupine Balls

Does anyone else have foods that you only like when your mom makes them?  This is a recipe from my Mom's collection that I decided to make Vegan.  It was a little bit of a challenge since the main ingredient in hers is ground beef.  Since I am able to make a pretty tasty beef substitute I thought I would give it a try.  It turned out really good.

Porcupine Balls
(Makes 12)

For "Beef":
1 1/2 Cups TVP
1 1/2 Cups Water
4 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Vegan Worcestershire
2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1 1/2 Tbsp Onion Powder
2 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
1/4 tsp Pepper

To Make Balls:
2/3 Cup Cooked Brown Rice
1 Cup Applesauce
1 Small Onion, diced

*Cook rice as per directions on package.
*Bring to a boil 1 1/2 Cups water and all seasonings for "beef" except for TVP. 
*Remove from heat, add TVP, stir and cover.  Let sit for at least 5 minutes. Then uncover, stir and allow to cool.  
*In a large bowl combine cooked rice, diced onion, applesauce and TVP. 
*With your hands, form into balls about the size of the palm of your hand. 
*Pour sauce over the top of each ball.
*Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes (until sauce is bubbling)

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins

These are perfect for a breakfast on the go, or a late night munchie.  Each Muffin contains about 188 Calories and 8 grams of fat if you use these ingredients. If you wanted to cut the calorie and fat count down even more, you can substitute 1/4 Cup Applesauce for the Oil.

Vegan Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins
Makes 12 Muffins


1 ¾ Cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
½ Cup Raw Sugar
½ tsp Baking Soda
2 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp cocoa powder
¼ tsp Cinnamon
½ Cup non-dairy semisweet chocolate chips
2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed + 6 Tbsp Water
¼ Cup  Safflower Oil
¼ Cup Water


*First Combine Flax and Water in a small cup and set aside.
*Mix dry ingredients in a medium bowl.
*Then add wet ingredients in, including flax mixture.
*Stir until well combined, then divide into 12 muffin cups.
*Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
*Allow to Cool, and enjoy!

Super Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Got a bit of a sweet tooth late last night and decided to try making some peanut butter cookies.  I used to work at a restaurant in Wilmington, NC that had a bakery in it and we made these really easy peanut butter cookies, only they used egg.  So I changed up the recipe a little and used more healthy versions of the ingredients like raw sugar and organic un-salted peanut butter.  You can use whatever peanut butter you have on hand, but I feel like the un-salted PB balances out all the sugar :)

Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies
(Makes 1 dozen)


1 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed
3 Tbsp Water
1 Cup Raw Sugar
1 Cup Organic No-salt added Peanut Butter

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
*Stir flax and water together in a small bowl or cup and let sit about 5 minutes.  
*Combine flax mixture and raw sugar together in a medium bowl. 
*Mix in peanut butter.
*With hands, form into little balls about 2".
*Place on lightly greased cookie sheet and press down with a fork. Turn fork and press across first fork imprint.  
*Bake for 12-15 minutes depending on oven.
*Remove from oven and allow to cool completely on cookie sheet.  
*The cookies will be very soft when they first come out, once they cool they will harden, so do not be alarmed and think they are not done.  

Ecco Bella Vegan Mascara

So, not too long ago I decided I needed to get rid of all of my makeup and trade it in for the Vegan versions of it.  Finding most of it was pretty easy.  Wal-Mart even carries the "Hard Candy" products line of which, many are vegan and all are cruelty-free. I purchased several of them and will be posting those reviews a little later.  I was not very impressed by their vegan mascara selection, so I decided to go online and search around.  After reading many reviews and comparing prices I settled on:

 Ecco Bella Mascara 

*Vegan and Cruelty Free.
*Limited Ingredients:  Purified water, carnauba wax, palmitic acid (from palm oil), clay, methylparaben, propylparaben and iron oxides.
*Price: Anywhere from $8-15 (Purchase here).  
*Super easy to remove.
*Has own mirror on reverse side of container.
*Excellent for sensitive eyes. 

*Takes a little longer to dry than other mascaras
*Not very waterproof, don't cry when wearing :)

Overall, I love this mascara.  My favorite part is how easy it comes off at the end of the day.  You can wash it away easily or use any number of makeup remover wipes including these awesome ones by Physicians Formula Organic Wear to easily wipe it away. 

Old Settlers, Austin, and The Loving Hut

Stacy, Brendan, Me, and William. 

So we have returned from our fun trip to Austin.  We had an amazing time at the festival even though the Avett Brothers had to cancel at the last minute.  The camping areas at the festival were a little rocky, but beautiful all the same.  We did our best to be environmentally conscious while we were there.  The festival had recycling set up, and most of the vendors were using biodegradable plastic cups, so that was great.  As for us, we finally used those Biodegradable/Compostable garbage bags we had been saving.  We also brought our own reusable water bottles to cut down on our trash.

While in Austin we were excited knowing that there are several all Vegan places to eat.  
We really wanted to visit Iggi's Texatarian and The Vegan Yacht, 
Andrea and Me in Austin. We are facing Iggi's in disappointment at it not being open

The Vegan Yacht

both of which we had read and heard good things about.  Unfortunately, due to our limited amount of time actually spent in the city we could not catch them during their hours of operation.  Instead we ended up checking out Casa de Luz.  
Entrance to Casa De Luz

They feature an all Vegan, organic, macrobiotic menu.  Our meal included a drink, soup, salad, and entree.  It was a little pricey at $11 per person, but well worth it.

On our way to Austin,  we passed through Houston, TX and were very excited to finally have a chance to check out the Loving Hut .

Me at the Loving Hut. 

For those of you not familiar, the Loving Hut is a 100% Vegan chain restaurant.  I can not tell you how exciting it was to not have to pick apart the menu to find which items I can eat.

EVERYTHING on this menu is Vegan, down to the dessert menu which includes cheesecake.

Fried Wonton Appetizer

We liked it so much we actually stopped there a second time on the way back home :)

Vegans in Austin

I am feeling like my good old self again since the kidney stone ordeal.  I still don't exactly know the cause of it, but I am glad it is over for now.

Today we are leaving for the weekend to go to Old Settler's Music Festival in Austin, TX.  We are going to celebrate William along with our friends Brendan and Stacy, who all just successfully defended their MFA Thesis'. We will all be graduating in May and can not wait to be finished.  Spring Break is still a week and a half away for not for McNeese State University, but we are starting it off early.   We are hoping to find some awesome vegan eats while we are in Austin to bring back and share with you along with some fun festival pictures.

Just found this really cool link to

Kidney Stones

I apologize for the current lack of postings. I spent the last week in agony with my first kidney stone.  If you have never had one then consider yourself blessed.  They are the most painful thing I have experienced.  I have since passed the stone and am awaiting the results of where it came from.  I consider myself to be a rather healthy individual and I am very curious what I am doing/eating/drinking that could have brought this on.  I suppose in the end it could be a hereditary thing.  My mother does not get them that I am aware of, but my Aunt does.  Since my father died so young, I do not know if that is something that could have run in his family.  Oh well,  when the results come back I will know and make adjustments accordingly.  Until then, I will try to get some posts up really soon.
:) Missy

Pecan Raisin Biscotti

I wanted to make something that could be breakfast on the go and also something that could satisfy a late night sugar craving.  The answer to this dilemma.....Biscotti.  It is a dessert or a breakfast food.

Pecan Raisin Biscotti
Makes 2 dozen


1 1/2 Cups Whole Pecans, ground in a food processor
1/2 Cup Raisins
1/2 Cup Earth Balance Butter (8tbsp)
2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed/ 6 Tbsp Water
1 Cup Raw Sugar
1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
3 1/2 Cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Sea Salt


*Preheat oven to 350 degrees

*Whisk together Flax and Water and set aside. The consistency will get sticky after it sits.

*Place Pecans in a food processor and grind until in small pieces.

*Remove Pecans and mix in a large bowl with raisins.

*Measure butter into food processor and beat until light and fluffy.

*Into food processor, add flax mixture, sugar, and vanilla. Mix until smooth.

*Next add flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix until combined.

*Empty dough into large bowl with pecans and raisins and combine by hand or with a wooden spoon. Make sure well mixed.

*Divide the dough in half and place on a lightly floured surface. Roll into two logs about 12" long and 1-2" wide.

*Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 35 minutes. (or until slightly brown on bottom)

*Remove from heat and allow to cook for 5-10 minutes.

*Slice each log diagonally into 1 inch pieces. (Should be about a dozen per long depending on cut).

*Place pieces back on cookie sheet and bake 5 minutes.

*Flip pieces over and bake another 5 minutes.

*Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before enjoying.

*Be sure to store in a airtight container. :)

Hot Tamales

So, it has taken me a while to get this recipe up.  This is mostly due to the fact that it is a long one and I have been procrastinating typing it up.  Tamales are a little time consuming to make, so I recommend attempting this one on a weekend or whenever you have a day off.  The results are amazing and so awesome since it is hard to find a good vegan hot tamale, or even a vegetarian one for that matter. I can assure you these are worth the time and effort.  If you don't want to make your own broth you can substitute the "Not-Beef Broth" from Edward and Sons.

You will need a few things before you get started.

First:  You need corn husks.
I thought this would be easy since I had seen them on grocery store shelves before many times.  However, when I went to find them, no one had them, not even "The Latin Corner".  I asked at at least 4 different stores before I bumped into a friend and she told me one store I had never been to where she had seen them.  Success at last!  Now you can find them on every shelf again, I just don't get it.  They are for sure at Kroger and Albertson's here in Lake Charles. Or you can order them here online if you can't find them.

You need a steamer basket and a large pot with a lid.  
This wasn't as hard to find, but I wasn't going to spend $40+ dollars on one of those big ones with the pot to put it in. Instead I used a pot and lid I already had and I found
 a steamer basket like this at Target for $7.
Once you have these things you are ready to begin!!

Vegan Hot Tamales
Makes about a dozen


Broth For the Filling (or sub 1 Cube "Not-Beef Broth) :
1 Cup Water
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1/2 tsp Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
1/4 tsp Ginger Powder
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Salt

1 Recipe Broth (above)
1 Cup TVP
2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Garlic Powder
4 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Cumin

For Dough:
2 Cups Masa Harina
1 1/2 Cups Vegetable Broth
1/4 Cup Safflower Oil
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp Black Pepper

*Before you begin, soak your corn husks in a large bowl of water.  Allow them to soak while you prepare the dough and filling or at least 15 minutes or so.  Push them down in, then flip the stack over and over and make sure they are all covered in water.

*You need to make the TVP "Beef"first so it can cool.

*Whisk together all ingredients for broth, or if you are using Not Beef bullion mix one cube with 1 Cup Water.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute, then remove from heat. 

*Add all seasonings for Filling to the broth, except for the TVP.  Stir to incorporate well, then stir in TVP.

*Cover and let sit for about 5 minutes.  

*Now make your dough.  

*Mix together masa harina with all seasonings.  Once combined, add Safflower oil, then vegetable broth.  Mix well.  

*To Assemble Tamales

*For each tamale you will need 2 husks. 

*Scoop about 2 Tbsp of dough onto one husk and then smash it flat with your hands.

*Add about 1 Tbsp TVP Beef Filling down the center of the dough.  

*Pull the sides of the husk together to roll the dough over the filling.  Wrap the sides down then fold both ends in on top.  Place the husk seam side down onto a second husk.  Roll the second husk around the first in an opposite fashion by folding the ends in first, then rolling the sides in.  Tear a strip from another husk and tie together to form a little bundle.  

*Repeat until all filling or dough is used.  Should be around a dozen depending on what size you make them.  

*Place steamer into a large pot with boiling water in the bottom.  Place tamales in steamer with the tied side up.  (I was able to get all dozen in my pot.) 

*Cover and steam for about 40 minutes. (add a little water to pot if needed.  Make sure water does not boil away)
*Remove from heat and enjoy while still steaming.  


Vegan Sausage Patties

I used to really enjoy the Morningstar Sausage Patties in my Vegetarian days, but since they are not Vegan friendly I decided to try my hand at making my own.  I know there are other brands that are Vegan, but I just prefer to make my own.  This list of ingredients looks long, but keep in mind that most of it is spices and you can omit a couple if you do not have them.  The fennel is a must, as is the Cayenne and Black Pepper, but the rest is just the combination I came up with that I enjoy.  So if you try to make these and you don't have mace spice on hand, don't panic and don't go spend $13 on it as it is an expensive spice to purchase to use so little.  These are really easy to make and the frozen leftovers are awesome on those mornings when we are eating and running out for school or work.

To accompany the sausages I also made the delicious  Fat Free Vegan French Toast from

Vegan Sausage Patties 
Makes 8-10


½ cup TVP
½ cup Boiling water
¼ cup Whole wheat flour
¼ cup Flax seed, ground
¼ cup Oatmeal, ground
2 Tbsp Nutritional yeast
1 tsp Garlic powder
½ tsp Crushed sage
½ tsp Ground fennel
½ tsp Black pepper
½ tsp Cayenne
¼ tsp Mace
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
¼ cup Water
½ tsp Liquid smoke
3 Tbsp Braggs liquid aminos
¼ tsp Blackstrap molasses
1-2 Tbsp Safflower oil (for frying)


* Stir together TVP and boiling water and set aside to soak for 5 minutes. 

*With a mortar and pestle, grind the oatmeal and flax seed.

*In a medium bowl, mix flour, flax, oats, brown sugar, and dry spices.

*Stir in TVP.

* In a measuring cup, measure out water; add liquid smoke directly to the cup and stir, (this way the smoke will be evenly distributed). Stir in Braggs and Molasses.

*Then add wet to dry; mix well. With your hands, form mixture into 2" balls and flatten slightly into patties.

* Fry in oil in an uncovered frying pan on medium heat, about 2 minutes per side (or until browned).

*Place on a plate covered with a paper towel to cool and absorb extra oil.

* Freeze leftovers (if you have any) and microwave 1-2 minutes to reheat.  

Natchitoches Pies

     Keeping with the Vegan in Louisiana theme I decided to try my hand at the famous Natchitoches Meat Pies.  TVP is always a good substitute for anything that would normally require ground meat.  If you can not find TVP in your area or if you are rushed for time, you can use Boca Crumbles or Fantastic World Food's Taco Filling. Both of these meat substitutes are Vegan.  The MorningStar Farms version is not, it contains both dairy and egg.
     To make mine a bit healthier I chose to use whole wheat flour and also to bake them. Traditionally they are fried. I have to admit I have never actually had a meat pie since I have been a Veg since I was 10. So, I got confirmation from William, who was a meat-eater when we moved to Louisiana, that these do in fact taste like the traditional ones.

Natchitoches Pies
(Makes 8 to 10 depending on size) 


For Dough:

1 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1 Tbsp Raw Sugar
8 Tbsp cold Vegan Butter, cut into small pieces
4 - 5 Tbsp Ice Water

For Filling: 

1 Tbsp Safflower Oil
1 Tbsp Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 Onion, chopped
1 Cup TVP
1 Cup Water
2 tsp Cajun Seasoning (like Tony Chachere’s)
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
2 Tbsp Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
1 Recipe Dough (above)


To Make Dough;

*Combine all dry ingredients in food processor or blender and pulse to combine.

*Add butter and pulse until it is in pea-size pieces.

*Drizzle in 3 tablespoons ice water and pulse again. Add more ice water if the dough seems too dry. Form inot a ball, wrap, and refrigerate until ready to use.

To Make Pies: 

*In a medium size pot bring 1 Cup water to a boil. Add TVP , Bragg’s, Worcestershire, Cajun seasoning, and Garlic Powder. Stir, then cover and remove from heat. Let sit 10 minutes.

*Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a large skillet over medium-low heat; whisk in 1 Tbsp flour, and cook 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in onion and cook about 5 minutes. Add TVP mixture and cook another 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

*On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 1/4 inch. Use a 4-5 inch diameter round cookie cutter or cut around a cup to make a circle of dough.

*Place a heaping Tbsp of TVP filling in the center of each round. Fold dough over filling and seal edges closed by pressing with a fork. Repeat to make remaining pies, re-rolling dough scraps as needed.

* Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and bake 15- 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

Biodegradable Trash Bags for Lawn and Leaves

So, as far as yard work goes, I tend to let it all pile up and then just mow it all up into "mulch" once the grass starts growing.  We usually do one big yard clean up per season and I hate with a passion having to fill all those plastic bags with yard clippings.  I bothers me to know that they just end up in a landfill somewhere for all eternity.  Did you know that regular plastic bags can take over 100 years to degrade? So for this product review I decided to try 2 different kinds of biodegradable bags for lawn and leaves.  The two products I chose were:


Like I mentioned, it had been a while since we last cleaned our yard, probably around 6-8 months, so we had quite the task ahead of us.  Some of the lawn waste was wet and moldy and some was dry, so we figured this would be a good test of these products.  In the end we decided we like the Garbax Paper Lawn and Leaf Bags the most.  (We ended up using 15 bags to finish the front yard, image that much plastic going to waste) Here are the pros and cons of each product.  

30 Gallon Bags-Very large in size,
2 Ply - strong
Free Standing - This was my favorite part,
Paper is a renewable resource
Price - found these for $2 for 5 bags at Big Lots
Easy to Seal - Just roll the top down

Still killing trees?

Biodegradable and Compostable
GMO Free
Vegetable Based inks and dyes
Polyethylene free

Not Free Standing,
Thin plastic - tears easily with twigs and sticks,
Wet debris begins biodegrading almost immediately,
Price - $8-$10 for 5 bags

In the end we decided to use the remaining BioBags for going camping and for other waste.  The main problems with the BioBags was how fast holes formed in the bags once wet debris was placed inside.  Even the tiniest of twigs poked additional holes through the bags.  I like the idea of not using paper, but instead using a bag "based on starch vegetable oil and other renewable resources", but they just did not impress me like I hoped they would. They were expensive, they broke down too easily, and they were a pain to fill up since they are not free standing.  

Peanut Butter Blondies

This is my adaptation of a recipe I found in  Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar  by: Moskowitz and Romero.

 This dessert recipe is not only delicious, but really high in protein.  Peanuts are already a good provider and I added to the content by using garbanzo bean flour.  This flour adds only a slight nuttiness to the flavor and is great for desserts.  As a bonus, this flour is gluten free for anyone out there suffering that allergy. Top one of these off with a drizzle of my delicious chocolate sauce and enjoy.

Peanut Butter Blondies


3/4 Cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Safflower Oil
1 Cup Brown Sugar, Packed
1/4 Cup Almond or Soy Milk
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Garbanzo Bean Flour
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 recipe Chocolate Sauce (optional)

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees
*Lightly grease a 9" round baking dish
*In a large bowl mix peanut butter, oil, and sugar vigorously with a fork.  
*Add milk and vanilla.
*With a large spoon, stir in flour, salt, and baking powder.
*Continue to stir until all combined.
*Transfer dough to baking dish and press into place.
*Bake for 20-25 minutes.  Edges should be slightly darkened.  
*Allow to cool completely before slicing.  
*Top with chocolate sauce or enjoy plain.  

Taco Bell Style Mexican Pizza

Ever have a craving for one of those really bad for you treats like a Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell?  Before I went vegan every now and then I would have a Mexican Pizza with all beans, no meat.  They are delicious but probably not very healthy.  Now you can make your very own Vegan version of this at home. Slightly more healthy than it's fast food counterpart.  This is made with seasoned beans, but if you have it on hand, add a layer of TVP "ground beef", or gimme lean crumbles to your beans. You can also use store bought tortillas.  In fact, we did for the one pictured, but there is also a link to my tortilla recipe if you want to make your own.

Mexican Pizza
(Makes 2 mini pizzas)


1 Can Refried or Whole Pinto Beans
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
1/4 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Chili Powder
1 Cup Daiya Cheddar Cheese
1 Roma Tomato
1/8 Cup Green Onions, Chopped
1/8 tsp Black Pepper
1 Tbsp Safflower Oil
Tofutti Sour Cream (optional)
Shredded Lettuce (optional)


*Drizzle thin layer of oil into frying pan.  
*Fry each tortilla for about 30-45 seconds on each side over med-high heat. If bubbles form during frying, pop the bubble and press flat.  Should be golden brown when ready.
*Heat beans up in a small pot.  
*(If using refried, skip this step) Drain beans and mash with a potato masher or fork.  Return to med heat, stirring continuously until all water is cooked out.  
*Add salt, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and chili powder to beans.
*Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
*Stack each pizza by first spreading beans onto the face of one tortilla, then top with second tortilla.  Sprinkle Daiya on top, then add sliced tomato and green onion.
*Repeat for second pizza.
*Place pizzas side by side on a cookie sheet and cook for about 10-12 minutes.  Cheese should be melted on top.  
*Remove and let cool slightly before topping with shredded lettuce and sour cream.  

Free to Breathe - Lung Cancer Awareness 5K

5K Run and Fundraiser: Free to Breathe - Lung Cancer Awareness


MFA All-star

When I was little I lost my father, John, to lung cancer. He was only 39 years old. No more families should have to suffer losses like this. William and I have decided to join some of our friends here in Lake Charles by participating in this 5K event.

Helping those affected by lung cancer is a high priority and we need your support to make a difference. Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of American men and women; it kills more people than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and melanoma cancers COMBINED. The Free to Breathe® event that we are participating in will raise awareness of the disease and funding for vital research. 

Please support our efforts by making a donation through our team fundraising page; it is simple, fast and totally secure. And, we also encourage you to join us on event day! 

Many thanks for your support! If you know of someone else who would like to donate or participate, please forward them this link!

Anything you can contribute helps!

Vegan Irish Cream

As a bartender I know so many delicious shots that require Irish Cream.  Because of the whole dairy thing (blech!) I can not have it anymore.  So I did some searching online and found where my fellow Vegan's had been working on recreating the recipe.  I tried my own hand at it and the results are amazingly similar.  So, next party at my house, bring on the shots!!!

Vegan Irish Cream


3/4 Cup Irish Whiskey
1 Pint Plain Silk Creamer 
1 1/2 tsp Almond Extract


*Combine all ingredients together in medium bowl.
*Stir until combined or shake in a container.
*Store in refrigerator.  

Chocolate Sauce

7:25 AM by Missy Coppage 0 comments
You ever had a late night craving for some chocolate milk?  Or maybe just wanted some chocolate sauce to put on top of your almond ice cream or homemade cookies.  Well, have I got the quick solution to your problem.  I was actually working on making homemade Bailey's irish cream and I needed chocolate sauce to complete the recipe.  So here is what I made and then later I will post the Bailey's recipe to accompany it.

Vegan Chocolate Sauce
Makes about 1 Cup
Image borrowed from


1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
3/4 Cup Raw Sugar
1 Pinch Sea Salt
3/4 Cup Water
1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract


*Combine all together in medium saucepan
*Bring to boil. Continue to boil for about 3-5 minutes.  Sauce will thicken.
*Allow to cool then store in refrigerator.

New Website

Woo Hoo! As a Valentine's Day present William got me a brand new website.  So we will be upgrading and moving soon.  I will keep you posted as to the address and such once we get everything in place. 

Preserve Mixing Bowls Product Review

So I have decided to start adding product reviews to the page.  This first one is one of my most favorite items in my kitchen.

Preserve Mixing Bowl Set

These fabulous bowls, which come in a set of 3, are made entirely of recycled #5 plastics.  They are also completely recyclable themselves if for some crazy reason you ever needed to get rid of them.  They have an easy grip handle on the side and a pour spout on the other.  They are the EASIEST bowls to clean ever.  Nothing I have ever made in my kitchen including wheat gluten flour to make seitan has ever stuck to the bowl for very long.  I have never even had to soak them.  Everything washes off quickly and easily.  

The set comes with 3 bowls as I mentioned before.  There is a 2 quart, a 3 quart, and a 4 quart bowl.  They are dishwasher safe and are BPA and melamine free.  Since they are plastic, they will not break if dropped or if your children get their hands on them.  

For more information visit the Preserve Products website.

There are many places to purchase these bowls. 
 Here in Lake Charles, mine came from Target.  
If you wanted to purchase them online, they can be found in a variety of prices from around $16 to $27.  Here is a Google Products Website with links to many different places to purchase them.