Free to Breathe - Lung Cancer Awareness 5K

5K Run and Fundraiser: Free to Breathe - Lung Cancer Awareness


MFA All-star

When I was little I lost my father, John, to lung cancer. He was only 39 years old. No more families should have to suffer losses like this. William and I have decided to join some of our friends here in Lake Charles by participating in this 5K event.

Helping those affected by lung cancer is a high priority and we need your support to make a difference. Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of American men and women; it kills more people than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and melanoma cancers COMBINED. The Free to Breathe® event that we are participating in will raise awareness of the disease and funding for vital research. 

Please support our efforts by making a donation through our team fundraising page; it is simple, fast and totally secure. And, we also encourage you to join us on event day! 

Many thanks for your support! If you know of someone else who would like to donate or participate, please forward them this link!

Anything you can contribute helps!

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