Vegan Waffles - Graceland Style

Vegan Waffles
(makes 8-10)

1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 Cup Unbleached White Flour
2 Tbsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1 Cup Soy Milk
3/4 Cup Applesauce
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

*Combine all dry ingredients in bowl
*Then add Soymilk, then Applesauce
*Pour about 1/4 cup mixture for each waffle into lightly greased waffle iron
*Cook till golden brown.

For Graceland Style:  
Before serving cover one waffle with Peanut Butter and sliced Bananas.  Add another waffle on top. 
Top with Agave Syrup and enjoy!!!!!!

2 Response to "Vegan Waffles - Graceland Style"

  1. Matt Says:

    Hey Missy! This is Matt Thackston, hope that name rings a bell. :) Thanks for posting this on Facebook. I began trying to eat mostly vegan in January of this year. I'd say I'm mildly successful, although I think real vegans wouldn't claim me. I'm looking forward to reading your recipes.

    I've also been blogging my transition, if you're interested. I kept a food log for the first part of the year and posted some recipes and such as well. You can find all of that at It's not strictly about food, and I've seen abandoned the daily food log, but there might be some recipes in there you might like.

    Do you have "How To Cook Everything Vegetarian" by Mark Bittman? That's been our favorite source for great recipes. We've also used Veganomicon, but we like the Bittman book the best.

  2. Missy Coppage Says:

    Hey Matt! Of course I know who you are. I do have the Bittman book and I love it as well. I will check out your blog for sure. Maybe I will steal some recipes :)

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