Excuses, Excuses

Sorry there has been a little gap since my last post.  I have been cooking and so has William and we have been compiling pictures and recipes to put on here, but at the same time, it is mid-term in the semester and we have both been a little busy with school work, so Vegan in Louisiana had to go on the back burner for a bit.

 I was so pumped when the 2 page article came out in Thrive Magazine and I have gained a few new followers since.  I have also had several people email me with questions about where to find some of this stuff in our area.  For anyone who is unsure of the answer to this, I shop mostly at the Kroger on the corner of McNeese and Ryan.  I also buy a lot of my products at Vita-Mart on Prien Lake Road where they have 20% off everything in the store on Thursday.  Even though Pure Foods decided to get out of the market, Vita-Mart is growing.  They have new products every time I go in there and I have noticed they recently got bulk bins.  They are not filled as of yet, but should be very soon.  I have recently learned that the Kroger in Sulphur has an amazing produce department.  I have not ventured over the bridge as of yet to check it out, but I soon will and I will let you know what I discover.

I have also been busy getting back to my true love which is sewing.  It kind of got pushed aside when I decided to go back to school.  Every time I would sit down in front of my machine and think about making something I would remember the assignments/projects/papers I should be spending time on instead.  But this past weekend I got back to it and made this jacket.
I am currently working on a little brown and white dress and am hoping to continue on from there finding enough time for school, sewing, and cooking.

So anyways, just wanted to do a little update to let everyone, especially my new followers know why I haven't been as active as I should on the blog.  But many more recipes will be coming in the next week.  

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!   Missy

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