Highly requested Tortilla Recipe

 I have made this recipe several times with different variations.  The best luck I have had has been with 1/2 and 1/2 whole wheat and unbleached white flours together.  You can make it entirely whole wheat if you like, but will need to add 1 Tbsp Wheat Gluten Flour if you do so.  These are excellent for burritos, or sandwich wraps.

Homemade Tortillas

2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
2 Cups Unbleached White Flour
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1+ Cup Warm Water

*In a large bowl mix Flours, Salt, Baking Powder.  Pour in Water.  Stir
*Mix in additional water at 1 Tbsp increments if needed until dough is soft and pliable.
*Knead briefly on a lightly floured surface.
*Divide into 12-14 medium size balls

*Cover and rest 20 minutes
*Dust cutting board or flat surface with flour
*With a rolling pin, roll each ball flat (This will be a little time consuming.  Flour your rolling surface and rolling pin well.  Roll each ball a couple of times, then flip, and roll, and flip.  Continue until tortilla is very thin.  Continue to flour your surface between flips so it won't stick.)
*Cook in an un-greased skillet.  Medium-High heat.  Cook until little brown flecks appear underneath.  Then Flip and repeat.
*Store any unused cooked tortillas in an airtight container and refrigerate.

1 Response to "Highly requested Tortilla Recipe"

  1. The Cooking Lady Says:

    OK, I lied in my last comment, now I can die a happy woman. These were so easy and so delicious. I have a corn tortilla recipe, but I do not like how heavy they are, so needless to say I am looking for a lighter version or I just need to master my corn tortilla, or a combo of both.

    These flour ones are to die for and oh so simple. I like working with my hand so these are great. My girlfriedn has 2 different machines that press them, but I like getting into my food. Thanks for a great recipe.

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