Vegan Food Pyramid

I am currently writing a paper for my summer class about the benefits of a vegan diet vs. the traditional western diet.  In my research for that I found the vegan version of that lovely food pyramid we were all forced to memorize in our early childhood years.  Things have changed a bit and as we become more educated people we see that much of what we thought we needed for all those years, we don't in fact need to survive.  I wonder if they still teach the food pyramid and if they do, are they showing the other options for pyramids not only for the benefit of the already vegan and vegetarian children, but all children so they understand there are options.

2 Response to "Vegan Food Pyramid"

  1. STS Says:

    You probably do, but just in case you don't... Do you have the book Vegan Planet? If not I *highly* recommend it. It's a cookbook, but has lots of good info regarding nutrition & benefits in it too. It's fun to read & great to cook from :). xo

  2. Missy Coppage Says:

    I don't have that one, but I will check it out for sure. Thanks.

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