Spaghetti Sauce

This was my first try at making my own spaghetti sauce.  I know there are a million different ways to make it, this was my own adaptation of a simple recipe.  I love the addition of the nutritional yeast and Fresh Basil from our garden.  Dried basil can also be substituted if you do not have access to fresh.  The nutritional yeast is optional but adds to the texture and nutritional value.

Spaghetti Sauce

1 tsp Olive Oil
1 Red Onion, diced
1 Green Pepper, diced
1 tsp Garlic, minced
1 Can Whole Peeled Tomatoes (1 Lb)
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Black Pepper
2 tsp Fresh Basil
2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1 Tbsp Italian Seasoning

*Over medium-low heat, saute onion, then add green pepper and garlic.
*Puree Tomatoes in blender then add to saute pan
*Add all seasonings
*Simmer 20 minutes

1 Response to "Spaghetti Sauce"

  1. The Cooking Lady Says:

    Well, I can die a happy person now, for I have found the perfect spaghetti sauce. Bar none, the best ever sauce. I do nto knwo which ingredient set it over the edge, but who was just a great sauce.

    You know how when you leave a dirty dish a bit too long and it smells awful? Not this one, it smelled great no matter when I smelled it.

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